Friday, 20 April 2012

Two weeks postpartum

I listened to the midwife last week and I have been resting up.  I've continued to do some gentle exercises too and now when I'm feeding I try to do some ankle flexes and rotations or my pelvic floor, when lying on the floor playing with the girls I can do some clams, before I go to sleep I do more pelvic floor exercises, when I push the buggy/pram I try to remember to stand tall and hold my tummy in.  See, nothing too demanding!

I was discharged by the midwife yesterday and am feeling pretty good as the baby is putting on weight well and I am healing ok.    

My husband goes back to work on Monday but we're keeping our firstborn in her childcare three days a week until the end of June.  The plan is that it will help me and the newborn to settle into a rhythm (not a routine!) with each other and allow our eldest to retain something normal and predictable for her when home-life is a bit topsy-turvy.  I hope this will also mean that I don't get overtired.  It is next week when the challenge really begins: fitting timescales back into our lives.  

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