Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Reclaiming my body (part two) and my mind

Sorry for absence this month.  I don't really have a good excuse, I suppose I have just been trying to catch up with myself.  

We're starting a big clear out and it was with joy that along with the newborn and 0-3 month baby clothes I was also able to pack up not only my maternity clothes but also the trousers I had bought a size too big as I grew into and out of proper maternity wear.  I'm not back to my old shape but I am back in my old clothes.  Hurray!

Talking to other new mums I realise that we all have little things that we do to make ourselves feel better despite the sleep deprivation.  One friend always wears a bit of jewellery, another puts on mascara each day.  I have nice pyjamas, try not to wear exactly the same clothes two days in a row (maybe every other day though!) and paint my toenails (three coats so it last ages and I don't have have to take off the varnish until my nail grows).  These small things help to remind us that we are unique, individual women as well as mums.  For me, this little effort makes such a big difference to my sense of self and well being. 

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